Capcom's enduring Nintendo computer and video games hero "Megaman" (or "MegaMan", or "Mega Man", depending on your preference for how it should be written) has been another gaming fovourite of mine since his first appearance in 1987. Below are 24 animated GIFs of some of the sprites from the "Megaman X1" and "X2" games. A few more Megaman images plus some music and a free Flash online arcade game are also included... |
Megaman X1
Megaman X2
You are welcome to copy and use any of
the animated GIFs for your own webspace if you wish
- all I ask is that you please include a link to this site (
) in return.
Note: That means physically copy them to your own server - please do not link to the ones here.
All of the animated GIFs have transparent backgrounds, so click here to view this page with a black background instead.
to the intro music from the first ever Megaman game
(MIDI format - 17.0 KB)
to the end music from the first ever Megaman game
(MIDI format - 5.29 KB)
Play the "Megaman: Project X" game >>
View the "Megaman Wallpaper" page >>
Click here for a Megaman bonus courtesy of one of this website's "sister" sites.
Click here for another Megaman bonus courtesy of one of this website's "sister" sites.
Click here for one more Megaman bonus courtesy of one of this website's "sister" sites.
Click here for a special Nintendo bonus courtesy of one of this website's "sister" sites.
Click here or here to play over 150 Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog Flash and Java online games in one place.
This site also includes pages of images, animated GIFs, free Flash online arcade games and music of some more of my favourites: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Brothers, Futurama, Red Dwarf, The Banana Splits, Hanna-Barbera, Tom and Jerry, The Simpsons and Thunderbirds There are also 5 pages of Dan Dare animated GIFs in this site - click on this link to go to the first one: Dan Dare Animated GIFs There is a page all about the Dan Dare CGI (computer-generated cartoon) TV series, including free movie clips and free music MP3s, at's "sister" site, - click on this link to view it: Dan Dare TV Series |
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