am a big fan of Nintendo's "Super Mario Brothers" computer and
video games, especially the early 1990's 16-bit versions (the original
Super Mario Bros. game appeared in 1985, although there was a (non-Super)
Mario Bros. game in 1983, while the first ever Mario game - "Donkey
Kong" - appeared in 1981). Below are some images of Mario, Luigi,
their friends and foes (including 55 animated GIFs), plus some MP3 music
and free Flash online arcade games. This page may take a while to load
due to the large number of files it contains, but hopefully you will
find it worth waiting for... |
Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Super Mario Flash" game >>
Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Luigi's Revenge" game >>
Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Super Mushroom Mario" game >>
Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Luigi Gunman" game >>
Play the "Super Mario Brothers: Super Mario Rampage" game >>
Play over 150 completely FREE Super Mario Brothers (and Sonic the Hedgehog) online arcade games, also including free multimedia and downloads - visit the Mario and Sonic Flash and Java Games Site |
If, like me,
you're a fan of Sega's rival "Sonic the Hedgehog" games as well as the Mario and Luigi games,
fear not - this site also includes four of those, plus an images and music page:
Play the "Sonic the Hedgehog: Ultimate Flash Sonic" game >>
Play the "Sonic the Hedgehog: Basic Flash Sonic" game >>
Play the "Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic on Angel Island" game >>
Play the "Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic Blox" game >>
View the "Sonic the Hedgehog Images and Music" page >>
You are welcome to copy and use any of
the animated GIFs for your own webspace if you wish
- all I ask is that you please include a link to this site ( https://www.dan-dare.org/
) in return.
Note: That means physically copy them to your own server - please do not link to the ones here.
Most of the animated GIFs have transparent backgrounds, so click here to view this page with a light background instead.
some more Mario and Luigi fun, click on each of the following words to hear the relevant sound
effects from the 1985 original Super Mario Bros. game on the Nintendo NES/Famicom
(WAV format - 5.79 KB, 10.5 KB, 5.60 KB, 5.67 KB and 11.3 KB respectively):
to the music from the first level of the original Super Mario Bros. game
(MIDI format - 10.2 KB)
to the music from the first level of the "Super Mario Bros. 3" game
(MIDI format - 6.61 KB)
to the title music from the "Super Mario World" game
(MIDI format - 10.4 KB)
to the music from the first level of the "Super Mario World" game
(MIDI format - 11.8 KB)
to the main theme music from the "Super Mario 64" game
(MP3 format - 2.17 MB)
Here are some bonuses for you:
View the "Super Mario Brothers Movie Images" page >>
View the "Super Mario Brothers Desktop Wallpapers" page >>
"A Mario and Sonic Bonus Page" >>
(with more Mario, Luigi and Sonic online fun and games)
"Another Mario and Sonic Bonus Page" >>
(with even more Mario, Luigi and Sonic online fun and games)
Click here for a Mario and Sonic bonus, here for a Mario bonus, here for a Sonic bonus, and here for a special Nintendo bonus, all courtesy of one of this website's "sister" sites. |
Play over 150 completely FREE Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog online arcade games, also including free multimedia and downloads - visit the Mario and Sonic Flash and Java Games Site |
This site also includes pages of images, animated GIFs, free Flash online arcade games and music of some more of my favourites: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Sonic the Hedgehog, Futurama, Red Dwarf, The Banana Splits, Hanna-Barbera, Tom and Jerry, The Simpsons, Megaman and Thunderbirds There are also 5 pages of Dan Dare animated GIFs in this site - click on this link to go to the first one: Dan Dare Animated GIFs There is a page all about the Dan Dare CGI (computer-generated cartoon) TV series, including free movie clips and free music MP3s, at Dan-Dare.org's "sister" site, Dan-Dare.net - click on this link to view it: Dan Dare TV Series |
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Website Copyright © 2003 - 2020 Peter J. Inns